Teeth Bleaching & Whitening - Whangarei

Simple Cosmetic Dental Care Tips That Work

Cosmetic Dentistry & Teeth Whitening Northland

Cosmetic Dental Care Tips 

If you have gum disease, tooth decay or cavities do not use over the counter whitening treatments.

Go to your dentist for the safest and best cosmetic dentistry and teeth whitening procedures.

Make sure you go for a regular dental check-ups.

Have your teeth cleaned by your dental hygienist at least two times a year.

Addressing minor issues before they become significant problems.

Small cavities are always best to go ahead get filled immediately. 

Call Us To Discuss Your Cosmetic Dentistry Needs

At the Rescue Dentist, we offer first-class comprehensive Cosmetic dentistry from Teeth Whitening service to cosmetic enamel teeth
veneers; whatever your cosmetic dentistry needs are the Rescue Dentist has the skills and expertise to help you.

Dr Shepherd is highly skilled as an endodontist and orthodontic specialist, as well as a periodontal gum dentist. As a specialist
prosthodontist with additional training in gum disease

To learn more about the best cosmetic dentistry and teeth whitening for your teeth, Call our Northland clinic today

Periodontal Care

Special Interest In Gum Disease
Crown & Bridgework
Cosmetic Dentisry Oral Health
Dental implants

Implant Dentistry Providing Teeth That Look & Feel Like Your Own

Restorative Dentistry



Contrary to popular belief, Lorem simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature.

The Rescue Dentist:
2 Puriri Park Road,
Maunu, Whangarei, Northland,
New Zealand

Phone: 09 438 7694


Teeth Bleaching Whitening Cosmetic

February 25, 2025

Teeth Bleaching Whitening

February 21, 2025


  • Mon - Fri08.30 - 16.30